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Cwn Annwn

Room: Approaching the Possessed Gnome

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This room is within Shrine of Maradas.

Center map on Approaching the Possessed Gnome

 Approaching the Possessed Gnome                        NW     -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -     SE

This hallway is on the way to a gnome who long ago was taken over by the
power he worshipped.  He has been rumored to possess a great amount of that
power, but has never been seen in action.  The path is nondescript, but
somewhat menacing in its plainness.  There are no friendly ornaments to the
powers, no jovial priests swilling ail and singing praises.  There is just
dirt, and mud.  And at the end, there is a completely unknown entity.