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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Musty, Tapestry-Shrouded Hallway

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This room is within Tower of Riga.

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Center map on A Musty, Tapestry-Shrouded Hallway

 A Musty, Tapestry-Shrouded Hallway                     -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

As you walk through this hallway you notice several ancient tapestries
which over time have almost completely faded into the walls on either side
of you.  The floor is paved in white marble and the sound of your feet upon
the floor echoes through the musty air filling the hallway.  North from here
the hallway continues and to the south is an overgrown, vine-covered
A sidhe paladin is here, on a holy crusade.
A sidhe paladin is here, on a holy crusade.