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Cwn Annwn

Room: Path Leading towards the Church

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This room is within Rune Graveyard.

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Level: 0

Center map on Path Leading towards the Church

 Path Leading towards the Church                        -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

Heading down the main path of this unholy graveyard, you peer to your
left and right and see row upon row of tombstones and think to yourself that
with all the dead that were buried here, whatever evil has given these
corpses life could create an army of unbelievable size.  You must do
whatever it takes to stop this army of undead before it is too late.  North
heads closer to the church and south back to the center of the courtyard.  
A pile of bones suddenly forms into a skeleton and charges you.
A pile of bones suddenly forms into a skeleton and charges you.
A corpse riddled with maggots stalks the graveyard.
A grimy man clad in black searches for cadavers to animate.
A pile of bones suddenly forms into a skeleton and charges you.