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Cwn Annwn

Room: Living Room

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This room is within Rune Graveyard.

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 Living Room                                            -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
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This is the room where the caretaker spends all his time.  He almost
never leaves this room except on rare occasions.  There is a table and some
chairs.  On the table there is a candle to read by and a stack of old worn
books.  There is also a large knife on the table stained a dark red color. 
Sitting in one of the chairs is where the caretaker is usually found,
reading a book and smoking his pipe.  The hallway is to your south.  
     A green, tarnished, copper key sticks half-buried in the ground.
     An old tattered apron smeared with blood is heaped upon the ground.
A grimy old man sits here leisurely blowing smoke rings.
A grimy old man sits here leisurely blowing smoke rings.