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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Center of the Mausoleum

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This room is within Rune Graveyard.

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Center map on The Center of the Mausoleum

 The Center of the Mausoleum                            -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

The hall is blanketed with an eerie silence.  A slight creaking sound or
a low groan can be heard, or so you think you heard.  Is your imagination
acting up on you?  The walls are a chalky white after many years of wear. 
bodies, there are no caskets in the whole place.  There is a large
chandelier hanging from the ceiling, with seven wax candles in place.  You
notice wax drippings all over the floor, but the candles appear to be new.  
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.
A grimy man clad in black searches for cadavers to animate.