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Cwn Annwn

Room: Headquarters of the Crystal Guild

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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Center map on Headquarters of the Crystal Guild

 Headquarters of the Crystal Guild                      -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

This narrow, long hall bustles with renowned explorers and unknown
treasure hunters alike.  Many of them are alternating between examining
maps, folding and refolding them, and passing them to other members of their
team.  Lining the walls are massive bookshelves, each holding thousands of
maps more.  Diagrams and topographs of various Alyrian features fill the
rest of the wallspace, with scribbled notes and arrows describing landmarks
and points of obscure interest.  Behind the large counter that fills the
north wall is a distinguished-looking sidhe who carefully analyzes a
softly-glowing crystal through a jeweler's loupe.  Sitting on the counter
next to him is an odd creature that looks somewhat like the shadow of a
dog...  Without the dog.  Behind the dog, or not, is a brass plaque, clearly
stating the nature of the Crystal Guild.  
The head of the Crystal Guild stands behind the counter, carefully studying his newest treasure.
An ethereal gemhound sits upon the counter, happily swaying its head and wagging its tail.
Tadamir, the guildsman looks up from his crystal and greets you with cheerful alacrity, 'Welcome, adventurer! Have you come to help me hunt for Seelie crystals? If so, you'll need one of my maps, which I will sell to you if you are interested! Just 30,000 gold!
The head of the Crystal Guild stands behind the counter, carefully studying his newest treasure.
An ethereal gemhound sits upon the counter, happily swaying its head and wagging its tail.