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Cwn Annwn

Room: Yew Court

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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Center map on Yew Court

 Yew Court                                              -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

You are walking along Yew Court, a narrow little street made of well-laid
red brick.  Yew Court is the primary business district in the Towne of Rune.
Much that you may need for your journeys can be found in its shoppes.  To
the north and south a stone wall prevents your travel.  The street continues
to the east and west.  
     There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.
A landless serf seeks employment here in town.
An alley cat hisses at you.
A city guard stands ready to serve and protect the citizens of Rune.
An alley cat hisses at you.
A janitor is walking around, cleaning up.