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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Pond

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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 A Pond                                                 -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

You are next to a small, but tranquil pond.  There is a small flock of
ducks, quacking quietly amongst themselves here.  Lovely, sweet-smelling
flowers are growing along the banks of the pond.  Everything here seems
peaceful to you.  The path winds back into Gauntlet Park to the west and
around the pond to the south.  
     A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
A filthy beggar wanders aimlessly here.
There is a duck here, quacking happily.
There is a duck here, quacking happily.
There is a duck here, quacking happily.
A filthy beggar begs you for a bit of gold. You graciously let him peep at your fortune.
'Spare some gold?' a filthy beggar asks.


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