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Cwn Annwn

Room: Agatha's Shoppe of Illusions

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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Center map on Agatha's Shoppe of Illusions

 Agatha's Shoppe of Illusions                           -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

As the season's past holidays come and go, Agatha caters for them all. 
Specializing in costume making and supply, all manner of goods can be found
within these walls.  Reams of multicoloured fabric fill every nook and
cranny, the floor is totally covered in scraps of material.  Sitting in the
middle of the room is a table covered in cloth, pins sticking out all over
the place and a large pair of scissors resting near by.  
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.
Agatha, the proprietress of Agatha's Illusions, stands here.


A list of player-usable shops which supply items