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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Courtyard Proper

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This room is within Runic Castle.

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Center map on The Courtyard Proper

 The Courtyard Proper                                   -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Here is another section of the courtyard.  This, much like the rest of
the proper, is filled with people.  Horses trot around, pulling carts of
wine, fruits and meats.  Their hooves make the traditional clip clop that
reminds you of home.  The sky is usually clear, but when the rain does fall
the area is well protected with make shift covers.  People mill around, some
with no apparent tasks other then to head to the bar for another tanker of
ale, or a mug of tap beer.  You can hear the pounding of a hammer to your
south.  A sweet scent of sugars fills the air to the west.