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Room: Helga's Muumuu Palace

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This room is within The Towne of New Rigel.

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 Helga's Muumuu Palace                                  -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> #
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Catering to the necessitous and scanty people of New Rigel, this shop
displays a wide collection of rather cheaply made items.  The wall shelves
and displays are adorned with an array of knick-knacks and clothing to meet
the needs of anyone who is strapped for money and fancies wearing a blinding
array of patterns.  Tacky upholstery in bright mismatched colors is laden
with the thick incense smoke that permeates the small store.  It appears
Helga, the owner of this palace, also lives here, for there are random
household items strewn about the back.  It seems as though it would be wise
to get what you came for and leave before you loose all fashion sensibility.
Helga stands in the poorly-lit corner, flirting with someone unseen.

Helga stands in the poorly-lit corner, flirting with someone unseen.