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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Fifth Level of Art

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This room is within Tower of Art.

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Center map on The Fifth Level of Art

 The Fifth Level of Art                                 -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

As you enter this room, you are filled with a sense of awe.  There are
powerful forces at work here.  This seems to be some sort of focal point for
great forces.  Upon the walls you see engravings, but would have to step
closer to read them.  The stairs continue up, and there is an exit to the
north and west.  Faint sounds of battle echo through the room, but the
direction is unclear.  
An Arbiter of the One stands here, ready to pass judgement on your soul.
An Arbiter of the One stands here, ready to pass judgement on your soul.
An Arbiter of the One stands here, ready to pass judgement on your soul.
'Do not wander too far from the path of Righteousness, Numi.' an Arbiter of the One says.
An Arbiter of the One stands here, ready to pass judgement on your soul.


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