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Cwn Annwn

Clan #88: Vampire's Mask

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0 (200, 1176) None


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Recent clan activity

Time Event
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Ashara has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Viktor has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Glakkamir has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Braxus has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Jimmu has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Resurgence has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Dlull has moved from clan Vampire's Mask [88] to clan Wonderland [139].
2011-09-24 09:01 pm Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has merged into Wonderland [139].
2011-07-23 01:54 am Yalen has left clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2011-06-03 07:47 pm Liquifyre has been removed from clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2011-06-03 07:47 pm Crisco has been removed from clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2011-06-03 07:47 pm Eron has been removed from clan Vampire's Mask [88].

Recent alliance activity

2010-10-27 05:19 pm Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has been removed from Transfugae Alyriae [30] by Dopul of clan Separatists [138].
2010-09-01 03:52 am Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has joined Transfugae Alyriae [30].
2010-07-15 10:09 pm Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has been removed from Transfugae Alyriae [30] by Alyce of clan Wonderland [139].
2010-02-14 03:01 pm Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has joined Transfugae Alyriae [30].
2008-08-05 05:39 am Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has been removed from Ascendency [11] by Dopul of clan Separatists [138].
2008-07-20 12:55 am Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has joined Ascendency [11].
2008-07-20 12:46 am Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has left The Forsaken [5].
2008-03-12 05:00 am Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has joined The Forsaken [5].
2006-12-07 09:23 pm Clan Vampire's Mask [88] has joined The Iron Crown [4].