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Old log! Syll 2016-01-27 05:31 pm 980
Tagged in this log: Dralox, Katran, Syll
Katran showing some love to Dralox!

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[3] clan members heard you say, 'love just rolls textually off you dont it =/'

[CLAN] Katran: 'mmhmm.'

[CLAN] Katran: 'if I really hated you, I'd call you fucktards.'

[CLAN] Katran: 'tards is almost affectionate!'

[CLAN] Katran: '<3'

[CLAN] Dralox has entered Materia Magica.

[CLAN] Katran: 'hey, fucktard.'

[CLAN] Dralox: '??Dralox?? hey'

[CLAN] Katran: 'lawl.'

[CLAN] Katran: '<3'

[CLAN] Dralox: '??Dralox?? >3'

[4] clan members heard you say, 'rofl!!'

[4] clan members heard you say, 'she likes u dralox'