Posts: 103
Last edited on May 21, 2007 07:22am. |
I made a few of these over the years, though using mush. All I did was make a trigger for each mob description when you enter the room and made it send output to the command txt box, kill <npc>. It wouldn’t automatically attack, just give me the command so all I’d have to do is hit enter.
Posts: 10
So.. how about this thing? :p |
Posts: 291
This is NOT tested. I don’t claim to be good at this. I don’t have zMUD open in front of me right now since I’m not at my own computer. I’m working from memory, so my syntax might be somewhat off. Well okay then! Onward! You would trigger something in the compass lines of the description to turn on the script. I suggest: #TRIG {^~(————————————————————————-~)} {#T+ classname} Then you would trigger the long description line to call up the short or a keyword and store it to a variable, then turn off the mob recognition after the first match. #TRIG {^A cute little bunny is here.$} {#VAR currentmob bunny;#T- classname} —or— #TRIG {^A cute little bunny is here.$} {#VAR currentmob {a cute bunny};#T- classname} Then you would set your macro to expand the variable: kill @currentmob —or— if you’re using the short, then you’ll have to put single quotes around it. Simple enough ne? When you want a new mob, you just hit look. Some people would suggest using a database variable. Instead of triggering each mob individually (60+ separate triggers), you would match a line in a stringlist and from the records list get its corresponding short description or keyword. In a variable set to type database, put all the long descriptions in the left column and all the short descriptions in the right. You probably need #IF and another stringlist of just the longs. :S You would use %db to call up the short desc/keyword and store it to a "current" variable as in the above example. It would look like: #VAR currentmob %db(@mobslist,"longdesc") …OR SOMETHING?!?!?!?! Obviously these are not the full instructions. I don’t want to tell you how to work with these because I can’t test it right now so I’m pretty unsure… But now that you have me thinking about this, I’ll probably mess around with it when I get home tonight. Last edited on June 14, 2007 11:23am. |
Before we begin, I would like to warn you:
Posts: 291
*looks sheepish* |
Posts: 26
I’ve used my limited version of it successfully in Irda/Cats so far, and no punishments because of it specifically (though apparently a trigger to drop stuff is illegal, :[.) |
If you still need this, once my siteban expires I can make this.
Posts: 26
In class CoS: #trigger {A|An|The} %1 has been slain!} {#class {CoS|Mobs} 1} Then, in the subclass Mobs: #trigger {**A long reddish colored snake flails underneath your feet here.} {#class {CoS|Mobs} 0;#alias k1 {k holocaust};#alias b1 {bs holocaust}} Thus, it’s incredibly easy to leave out mobs you don’t want to attack (say guards in Irda if you can’t flash or hate blinding them all individually, ettercaps in CoS if you don’t want to worry about the chance of getting paraed if you lack improved invis, etc.) |
If anybody else wants this for whatever reasons, it’s pretty simple to do yourself, here’s an example of my CoS one.
Posts: 291
After importing these settings, make sure to set the variable "potentialtargets" to "Data Record" Style. I have used ";" as the command stacking character. #CLASS {templetonlevel} #VAR potentialtargets {A bag lady is walking around town looking for people to take pity on her.=a bag lady|An elfish bar patron is here enjoying himself.=a bar patron|A brown bat flies over your head.=a brown bat|A minotaur citizen is rushing about doing some daily work.=a busy citizen|This citizen seems rather content with their life.=a content citizen|A cute little bunny is here.=a cute bunny|A drunken drow is sitting here.=a drunken drow|A dubious looking man is standing in the corner eyeing all who enter.=a dubious looking man|A very large stray cat is searching for a meal here.=a fat cat|A fisherman is here sitting at home enjoying a nice pipe.=a fisherman|A flasher is standing here on the corner.=a flasher|A foreign visitor is in Templeton visiting some of its famous shops and sights.=a foreign visitor|A dangerous looking gang member watches you carefully.=a gang member|A gnome child is here wandering the streets.=a gnome child|A green slime slithers through here.=a green slime|A thief is here hiding in the shadows.=a hidden thief|A human citizen is walking down the streets of town here.=a human citizen|This poor person is here looking for food because they do not have a home.=a hungry vagrant|A janitor dressed in cotton is here.=a janitor|A red colored jay is perched on a tree here.=a jay|A leper is here begging for food and money.=a leper|A poor lost poodle is wandering about looking for its master.=a lost poodle|A citizen is standing here.=a minotaur citizen|A mission volunteer is here serving soup and other food.=a mission volunteer|A persian cat roams the streets looking for something to eat.=a Persian cat|A plumber is here.=a plumber|A pooch is here looking for something to do.=a pooch|A poor citizen stands here miserably.=a poor citizen|A pudgy bird is chirping here.=a pudgy bird|A black raven is here.=a raven|A religious fanatic stands here shouting about the end of the world.=a religious fanatic|A resident of Templeton is sitting here quietly.=a resident of Templeton|A rich citizen stands here.=a rich citizen|A rich man’s wife stands here with her nose upturned.=a rich man’s wife|A robin is sitting here looking for worms.=a robin|A sewer rat stands here.=a sewer rat|A shady elf is sitting in the back looking suspicious.=a shady elf|A short woman is sitting here looking around carefully.=a short woman|A Sidhe dignitary is roaming the streets enjoying the many sights.=a Sidhe dignitary|A beggar is in the streets begging for money.=a smelly beggar|A sailor is here humming a tune.=a spirited sailor|A squirrel is looking for nuts and berries to eat.=a squirrel|A beautiful white swan is swimming in the pond here.=a swan|A tall man stands here looking about cautiously.=a tall man|A town guard is standing here observing the citizens.=a Templeton town guard|A traveling minstrel has chosen this spot to play his ballads.=a traveling minstrel|A sailor is here enjoying a good story and a drink.=a visiting sailor|An elderly citizen sits here awaiting death.=an elderly citizen|This elf citizen is walking down the street enjoying the day.=an elf citizen|An elven artisan is here.=an elven artisan|An elven wife stands here cleaning.=an elven wife|An owl is here looking back and forth for signs of danger.=an owl|A citizen stands here.=citizen|A builder stands here.=the builder|A dwarven handyman is here fixing things.=the handyman} #VAR target {} {} #TRIGGER "findtarget" {^({@potentialtargets})$} {target=%additem( %db( @potentialtargets, "%1"), @target);#SUB {%1 %ansi(gray)(queued: %db( @potentialtargets, "%1"))}} "" {disable} #TRIGGER {^~(————————————————————————-~) ? ~<-?-~(M~)-?-~> ?$} {#VAR target {};#T+ "findtarget";#ALARM +0.5 {#T- "findtarget"}} #TRIGGER {^Your blood freezes as you hear (*)’s death cry.$} {#DELN target %ismember( %1, @target)} #TRIGGER {^Your blood freezes as you hear a {bored|dracon} citizen’s death cry.$} {#DELN target %ismember( citizen, @target)} #TRIGGER {^That creature is not present.$} {#DELI target @target.1} #KEY CLEAR {#IF (@target = %null) {#SH No targets in queue!} {kill ~"@target.1~"}} #CLASS 0 Here is an explanation of what this script does. The middle line of the compass is triggered to clear the current queue of targeted NPCS, and to turn on another trigger which looks for potential target NPCs in the room. That second trigger has 0.5 seconds to match any output before it is turned off. You can "look" at any time to reset the queue. NPCs matched are added to the @target queue. When an NPC is slain, the first instance of that NPC name is removed from the queue. If none of the NPC at the top of the queue are in the room when you send the kill command, all entries of that NPC are deleted. You can hit the macro again to try to kill the next type if they’re there. :] A macro sends the kill command for the NPC at the top of the queue. I have set CLEAR (Shift+NumPad5) as the macro key. You can also set an alias with the same expression that I used in the macro. This script does not follow when NPCs walk in and out of the room. Just "look" again to reset. Well, that’s basically how it works. ENJOY! :] Last edited on February 2, 2008 11:30am. Fixed a strange issue with case matching. Last edited on February 5, 2008 01:37pm. Fixed something I overlooked earlier. Bored citizens and dracon citizens have the same long description. Last edited on February 5, 2008 05:56pm. Fixed an issue with commas in NPC long descriptions. Even though Templeton mobs don’t have commas, this will help if you want to adapt this script for other areas. Edited by Katran on Mon, 10 Jan 2011 19:44:04 -0500. |
Here is the script I wrote today for levelling in Templeton.
Posts: 168
Katrans a hardcore botterz 4 lyfe. |
Posts: 6
WTF. Who the fuck wants to kill cute bunnies. Go away. |
Posts: 291
obviously I hate the bunnies. |