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Cwn Annwn
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I’ve attempted to adapt this for mobbing in Vospire, but can’t seem to get it to properly add the mobs to the queue. What am I doing wrong, here?
I did set the variable potentialtargets to data record, as instructed.

#CLASS {Vospiremobs}
#VAR potentialtargets {A resident is here, enjoying the comfort of home.=A resident of Vospire|A citizen of Vospire is here, walking the streets.=A citizen|A friendly dragon flies along here.=A friendly dragon|A commoner walks the streets, dealing with the tasks at hand.=A commoner|A city guard of Vospire strolls here with his hand on his hilt.=A city guard of Vospire|A tough looking janitor is here, cleaning the streets.=A janitor|A young woman is here, enjoying city life.=A young woman|*A tame dragon flies about here.=A tame dragon|A young squire is here, practicing his techniques.=A young squire}
#VAR target {} {}
#TRIGGER "findtarget" {^({@potentialtargets})$} {target=%additem( %db( @potentialtargets, %1), @target);#SUB {%1 %ansi(gray)(queued: %db( @potentialtargets, %1))}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {^~(————————————————————————-~) ? ~<-?-~(M~)-?-~> ?$} {#VAR target {};#T+ "findtarget";#ALARM +0.5 {#T- "findtarget"}}
#TRIGGER {^Your blood freezes as you hear (*)’s death cry.$} {#DELN target %ismember( %1, @target)}
#TRIGGER {^That creature is not present.$} {#DELI target @target.1}
#KEY CLEAR {#IF (@target = %null) {#SH No targets in queue!} {kill ~"@target.1~"}}
Without doing any testing on this (or even reading all the code you posted), I’d guess that the * you have before your ‘A tame dragon…’ is mucking things up. Lose that, give it another go-round, and let us know if it still is not working. At that point we can get into details a bit.

Removing the asterisk was one of the first things I thought of, and didn’t change anything.
1. Try quoting the * using the quote character.
2. Try using {*|} at the beginning of the line. This indicates that there may or may not be an asterisk there. I believe the * should not parse inside the {} brackets.

If this doesn’t work, I am willing to fiddle with this later and actually test it and try to get it working for you. Find me in game.
Lewd Meh, yeah. I never did get it to work, but I’m not all that concerned with it anymore. I’ll probably fuck around with it again the next time I’m leveling 2nd class.
Revisiting this, I believe I have found the problem. It’s the comma in some of the NPC long descriptions.

Where it says %db( @potentialtargets, %1)
You should have it say %db( @potentialtargets, "%1")

#TRIGGER "findtarget" {^({@potentialtargets})$} {target=%additem( %db( @potentialtargets, "%1"), @target);#SUB {%1 %ansi(gray)(queued: %db( @potentialtargets, "%1"))}} "" {disable}

Cheers! :P
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