Item: a large loaf of bread
Item 'a large loaf of bread' is type food, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'large loaf bread'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 75 gp.
This level 3 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 35 minutes of sustenance.
Not many people in Cavhfail can bake bread. Few people eat bread around
here, yet there is demand for it by visitors and foreigners. This golden
brown loaf smells freshly baked. Air bubbles proudly decorate the top.
We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
This item can be found in Cavhfail.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Cavhfail by 'The store attendant'.
has keywords 'large loaf bread'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 75 gp.
This level 3 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 35 minutes of sustenance.
Not many people in Cavhfail can bake bread. Few people eat bread around
here, yet there is demand for it by visitors and foreigners. This golden
brown loaf smells freshly baked. Air bubbles proudly decorate the top.
We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
This item can be found in Cavhfail.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Cavhfail by 'The store attendant'.