Item: a dirty white cloth bag
Item 'a dirty white cloth bag' is type container, alignment 0, made of cloth,
has keywords 'cloth white dirty bag'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 25 pebbles, and is valued at 1 gp.
This level 5 item has the attributes: insulated
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable
The sweepers of Teolaven have stamped this grungy bag with the insignia
of their fraternal order, even though there are only three of them in it.
They're quite self-important, despite being slow, both in picking up the
refuse around town and the way for which they are sweepers in the first
place. However, this bag is much more representative of their station in
life than their self-possession and ego. Dirty white, smelly and flawed in
creation, this bag would be better as a hat, or a rag, or never sewed in the
first place.
Long description: A dirty white cloth bag rests here.
This item can be found in The Mountain Village of Teolaven.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in The Mountain Village of Teolaven by the mob 'A Teolaven sweeper'.
has keywords 'cloth white dirty bag'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 25 pebbles, and is valued at 1 gp.
This level 5 item has the attributes: insulated
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable
The sweepers of Teolaven have stamped this grungy bag with the insignia
of their fraternal order, even though there are only three of them in it.
They're quite self-important, despite being slow, both in picking up the
refuse around town and the way for which they are sweepers in the first
place. However, this bag is much more representative of their station in
life than their self-possession and ego. Dirty white, smelly and flawed in
creation, this bag would be better as a hat, or a rag, or never sewed in the
first place.
Long description: A dirty white cloth bag rests here.
This item can be found in The Mountain Village of Teolaven.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in The Mountain Village of Teolaven by the mob 'A Teolaven sweeper'.