Item: a moon rock from Marabah
Item 'a moon rock from Marabah' is type reagent, alignment 0, made of unknown,
has keywords 'rock moon Marabah'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 250 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
This is a very unusual piece of rock. It has somehow fallen from the
moon Marabah. It gives off a warm aura and continues to glow slightly
though it is no longer touched by the sun.
Long description: A small, rough piece of moon rock lies here.
This item can be found in Genauras.
has keywords 'rock moon Marabah'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 250 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
This is a very unusual piece of rock. It has somehow fallen from the
moon Marabah. It gives off a warm aura and continues to glow slightly
though it is no longer touched by the sun.
Long description: A small, rough piece of moon rock lies here.
This item can be found in Genauras.