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Cwn Annwn

Item: a meal cooked for one

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Item 'a meal cooked for one' is type food, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'meal food individual package dinner'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 250 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: nodrop no-auction nohide no-bury nomail no-donate
When eaten, this food will give 0 minutes of sustenance.
This prepackaged meal is prepared for one person.  All the hungry individual
needs to do is heat up the contents and eat it.  There is only enough food
in this package for one person and consists of a chicken breast with some
sort of gravy, some corn, and some mashed tubers.  While providing necessary
nutrition, there is something very depressing about this meal prepared for

Long description: A meal with just enough food for one person sits here.
This item can be found in Quest Reward.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Forever Alone' from Lord Vashir.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Forever Alone' from Lady Undya.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Forever Alone' from Lord Telleri.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Forever Alone' from Lord Vendredi.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Forever Alone' from Lady Templeton.
You eat a meal cooked for one.
You have gained the strength of a meal cooked for one.
You gain 8 building points!