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Cwn Annwn

NPC: Baroness Pileus

NPC: Baroness Pileus
Long Desc: A female cloud elemental dressed in classy garb rests on her bed, meditating.

Pulled into this plane of existence along with her husband, who is now Baron
Pileus, this female cloud elemental rather enjoys the physical life.
Attracted to the idea of owning objects, she has taken pleasure in using her
mate's wealth and power to supply their castle with beauty.  From the
clothes she wears for no reason all the way down to the bed which she adores
resting upon, the Baroness is a true materialist, much to her husband's

She is a elemental approximately 7'1" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Sigil.
This mob is required by the following quests:
- Forgotten Realms (20-45) from Lord Vendredi.
- Big Fish (20-45) from Lord Vendredi.