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Cwn Annwn

NPC: The Everlasting Phoenix

NPC: The Everlasting Phoenix
Long Desc: A gently glowing, fiery red winged bird is here, sitting in a nest.

A huge red and yellow bird with feathers that look and move like flames
is here sitting on a nest.  It must be the fabulous Everlasting Phoenix!!
Phoenix feathers are reputed to grant special abilities, perhaps you can
find one lying around.  The Phoenix is agitated by your presence, but is not
flying away, maybe it is protecting something in the nest.

It is a elemental approximately 6'1" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Towne of Rune.
  …in Summit of Rune Mountain.
*This NPC is stationary.
This NPC is immune to: summon charm fire lightning
This NPC is resistant to: earth air
This NPC is vulnerable to: water
This NPC is known to carry the following items:
This NPC carries 'a feather from a phoenix', a level 55 artifact.
This mob is required by the following quests:
- Darkling Thrush (60-120) from Lord Agrippa.
- Phoenix Sightings (40-60) from Lord Agrippa.
- Lure the Dragon (120-150) from Lord Agrippa.
- Winged Things! (60-120) from Lord Agrippa.
- Petting Zoo (40-90) from Lord Vashir.
- Pyromaniac (180-241) from Lord Vashir.
- Egg Hunt (45-241) from Lord Agrippa.