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NPC: A titan

NPC: A titan
Long Desc: A massive titan blocks the entrance to the next room.

Titans are much like their name suggests.  They are immense in height and
stature.  The titan is a race from atop the highest mountains of the world.
Titans are a rare beast, mostly because they breed only once in ten years.
Titan births are also somewhat rare as gestation takes as much as five
years.  Titans are fierce warriors and impose fear in the hearts of their

He is a titan approximately 25'0" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Dungeon Wroth.
  …in Small Room.
*This NPC is stationary.
This NPC is known to carry the following items:
This NPC carries 'a charred cobalt scroll', a level 93 scroll.
This NPC carries 'a red key', a level 20 key.
This NPC carries 'golden arm plates', a level 50 armor.
This NPC carries 'golden leg plates', a level 50 armor.
This mob is required by the following quests:
- Famous People and Places! (60-119) from Lord Vashir.