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Cwn Annwn

NPC: A bored citizen

NPC: A bored citizen
Long Desc: A citizen stands here.

A citizen stands here, watching the people of the town pass by.  They
seem to be rather bored.  Perhaps you should brighten up their life.  They
are wearing regular clothing, but they seem to lack color of any kind in
their life.

She is a halfling approximately 4'1" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Templeton.
  …in A House.
  …in A House.
  …in A House.
  …in A House.
  …in A House.
  …in A Residence.
  …in A Residence.
  …in A Small House.
  …in A Small House.
  …in A Small House.
  …in A Small House.
  …in A Small Shack.
  …in A Small Shack.
*This NPC is stationary.
This NPC is known to carry the following items:
This NPC carries 'some leather trousers', a level 30 clothing.
This NPC carries 'a leather coat', a level 30 clothing.
This mob is required by the following quests:
- Cramped Living (90-120) from Lady Templeton.
- Petitions! (60-120) from Lady Templeton.