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Cwn Annwn

Player: Pietro

Pietro (60:180) [HARDCORE] (#65646)
Race: fey
Gender: male
Classes: Shaman [skills]
First Seen: 2002-03-15 10:16 pm
Last Login: 2009-08-03 03:26 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 913 (peak: 957)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-08-07 03:53 am Pietro has been removed from clan Whisper [28].
2003-07-23 02:33 am Pietro has joined clan Whisper [28].
2003-03-19 03:43 am Pietro has been removed from clan Amaunet [93].
2003-03-04 03:53 am Pietro has joined clan Amaunet [93].
2002-10-04 12:16 am Pietro has been removed from clan New Alyrian Order [30].
2002-09-07 03:02 pm Pietro has joined clan New Alyrian Order [30].
2002-09-06 10:44 pm Pietro has left clan The Chosen [102].
2002-08-20 10:13 pm Pietro has joined clan The Chosen [102].
2002-05-11 09:37 pm Pietro has been removed from clan Cabal [4].
2002-04-21 05:49 pm Pietro has joined clan Cabal [4].
2002-03-24 01:24 am Pietro has left clan Ahriman's Army [90].
2002-03-15 10:16 pm Pietro has joined clan Ahriman's Army [90].

Class activity

Time Class

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2009-08-03 03:26 pm 2009-08-03 04:21 pm 54 min 59 sec
2009-08-01 10:21 pm 2009-08-01 10:52 pm 31 min 5 sec
2009-08-01 09:21 pm 2009-08-01 09:31 pm 10 min 3 sec
2009-07-28 07:10 pm 2009-07-28 10:06 pm 2 hours 55 min
2009-07-28 07:05 pm 2009-07-28 07:10 pm 5 min 2 sec

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-07-24 06:39 pm Dalamar (74:241) 1061 +0 Pietro (60:180) 913 +0 NPK
2003-07-24 06:19 pm Pietro (60:180) 913 +0 Miro (60:240) 1093 +0 NPK
2003-07-24 04:14 am Zikane (60:180) 1364 +1.7 Pietro (60:180) 915 -1.7 LPK
2003-07-16 03:41 am Matthia (74:241) 920 +0 Pietro (60:180) 915 +0 NPK
2003-03-13 11:01 pm Syphon (35:155) 1237 +0 Pietro (60:180) 915 +0 LPK
2003-03-13 04:40 am Redwing (125:241) 1297 +0 Pietro (60:180) 915 +0 LPK
2003-03-12 11:59 pm Spyro (60:180) 1439 +1.1 Pietro (60:180) 916 -1.1 LPK
2003-03-12 11:56 pm Spyro (60:180) 1438 +1.1 Pietro (60:180) 917 -1.1 LPK
2003-03-12 12:33 am Psychoo (55:235) 1014 +0 Pietro (60:180) 917 +0 LPK
2003-03-11 11:58 pm Psychoo (55:235) 1014 +0 Pietro (60:180) 917 +0 LPK