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Cwn Annwn

PK history: Krypt

Krypt (113:241) (#8367)
Race: ogre
Gender: male
Classes: Rogue, Barbarian, Shaman, Wizard [skills]
Clan: Circle of Power
First Seen: 2002-03-19 03:18 am
Last Login: 2019-07-25 03:25 am
Time played this month: 6 hours 23 min
PK rating 1014 (peak: 1031)

PK statistics

Jan 03Jan 04Jan 05Jan 06Jan 07Jan 08Jan 09Jan 10Jan 11Jan 12Jan 13Jan 14Jan 158008509009501,0001,050Rating
Wins Losses Average level
Total Percent Total Percent Win Loss
CPK 8 33% 16 67% 165 (-75.5) 240 (-0.1)
CTFLPK 0 0% 7 100% N/A 240 (-0.1)
CTFNPK 7 78% 2 22% 197 (-43.9) 210 (-31.0)
LPK 4 50% 4 50% 161 (-79.2) 241 (+0.0)
LPKA 14 47% 16 53% 201 (-39.6) 241 (+0.0)
NPK 72 53% 63 47% 183 (-57.1) 239 (-1.2)
PK 10 32% 21 68% 187 (-53.9) 241 (+0.0)

Recent PK activity

Page 1 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 »
Time Winner Loser PK type
2015-01-21 04:51 am Toothgnasher (163:241) 1227 +5.6 Krypt (113:241) 1019 -5.6 NPK (1 vs 1)
2015-01-09 11:18 pm Solitude (76:241) 1038 +11.8 Krypt (112:241) 1031 -11.8 NPK (1 vs 3)
2014-12-26 11:59 pm Krypt (111:241) 1014 +17.0 Lilah (79:241) 1168 -17.0 LPKA
2014-11-10 04:36 am Krypt (111:241) 1006 +8.6 Iolous (113:241) 903 -8.6 LPKA
2014-11-06 02:35 am Krypt (111:241) 989 +16.8 Deathray (86:241) 1136 -16.8 LPKA
2014-10-09 08:31 pm Krypt (111:241) 972 +16.7 Perem (112:241) 1116 -16.7 LPKA
2014-09-26 02:57 am Krypt (110:241) 955 +17.5 Ithilwen (87:241) 1127 -17.5 LPKA
2014-09-25 08:35 pm Krypt (110:241) 934 +20.2 Zalene (105:241) 1225 -20.2 LPKA
2014-09-25 08:29 pm Zalene (105:241) 1203 +4.3 Krypt (110:241) 939 -4.3 LPKA
2014-09-18 01:43 am Krypt (110:241) 921 +17.9 Loman (100:241) 1108 -17.9 LPKA
2014-09-11 01:28 am Lantis (85:241) 881 +13.8 Krypt (110:241) 935 -13.8 LPKA
2014-09-11 01:26 am Krypt (110:241) 924 +10.9 Lantis (85:241) 892 -10.9 LPKA
2014-06-20 12:23 am Krypt (109:241) 901 +22.1 Toothgnasher (162:241) 1331 -22.1 NPK (1 vs 6)
2014-06-06 06:06 pm Krypt (109:241) 880 +21.9 Toothgnasher (162:241) 1286 -21.9 NPK (1 vs 2)
2014-05-30 09:45 pm Lonar (124:241) 1101 +5.4 Krypt (108:241) 885 -5.4 LPKA
2014-05-18 02:35 am Rascon (98:241) 1199 +3.4 Krypt (108:241) 888 -3.4 NPK (1 vs 4)
2014-05-04 11:58 pm Weezy (109:241) 1115 +5.2 Krypt (108:241) 894 -5.2 NPK (1 vs 1)
2014-04-22 05:54 pm Toothgnasher (158:241) 1350 +1.6 Krypt (108:241) 895 -1.6 NPK (1 vs 1)
2014-04-07 01:31 am Krypt (107:241) 874 +21.6 Toothgnasher (157:241) 1258 -21.6 NPK (1 vs 9)
2014-04-05 05:56 am Krypt (107:241) 851 +22.1 Toothgnasher (157:241) 1280 -22.1 CPK (1 vs 9)
2011-11-06 04:27 pm Kazmo (139:241) 1463 +0.7 Krypt (104:241) 852 -0.7 NPK
2011-10-26 05:21 pm Cyrion (79:241) 1129 +4.1 Krypt (104:241) 856 -4.1 NPK
2011-10-14 03:06 pm Blueknight (109:241) 1387 +1.1 Krypt (102:241) 857 -1.1 CPK
2011-09-30 06:43 pm Tannyon (164:241) 1414 +0.9 Krypt (102:241) 858 -0.9 CPK
2011-09-30 06:36 pm Blueknight (108:241) 1346 +1.4 Krypt (102:241) 860 -1.4 CPK
2011-09-30 06:34 pm Blueknight (108:241) 1344 +1.4 Krypt (102:241) 861 -1.4 CPK
2010-08-25 05:53 pm Brimstone (142:241) 1422 +0.9 Krypt (100:241) 862 -0.9 NPK
2010-08-21 10:19 pm Kuwabara (104:241) 1416 +1.0 Krypt (100:241) 863 -1.0 NPK
2010-04-29 10:11 pm Insanity (113:241) 1304 +1.8 Krypt (100:241) 865 -1.8 NPK
2010-03-27 02:57 pm Damone (97:241) 1386 +1.1 Krypt (99:241) 866 -1.1 NPK

Most PK

Wins Losses
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