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Cwn Annwn

Player: Gustave

Gustave (60:60) (#65258)
Race: halfling
Gender: male
Classes: Barbarian [skills]
First Seen: 2002-03-05 12:54 am
Last Login: 2013-04-13 03:02 am
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1113 (peak: 1332)

Clan activity

Time Event
2005-07-08 09:35 pm Gustave has been removed from clan The Dark Order [10].
2005-01-03 04:52 pm Gustave has joined clan The Dark Order [10].
2005-01-03 04:47 pm Gustave has been removed from clan Euphoria [37].
2004-12-28 04:21 pm Gustave has joined clan Euphoria [37].
2004-12-28 04:08 pm Gustave has been removed from clan The Dark Order [10].
2004-12-07 05:56 pm Gustave has joined clan The Dark Order [10].
2004-05-20 12:52 am Gustave has been removed from clan New Alyrian Order [30].
2004-05-09 08:02 pm Gustave has joined clan New Alyrian Order [30].
2004-02-15 02:23 am Gustave has been removed from clan Empire [59].
2003-11-16 04:21 am Gustave has joined clan Empire [59].
2003-11-15 01:02 am Gustave has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2003-11-10 07:02 am Gustave has joined clan Enigma [2].
2003-11-10 06:56 am Gustave has been removed from clan The Dark Order [10].
2003-10-14 08:24 am Gustave has joined clan The Dark Order [10].
2003-10-12 07:10 am Gustave has left clan The Dark Order [10].
2003-10-07 05:54 am Gustave has joined clan The Dark Order [10].
2003-09-09 01:28 am Gustave has joined clan Enigma [2].
2003-06-08 06:27 am Gustave has been removed from clan Avenger [17].
2003-04-03 03:23 am Gustave has joined clan Avenger [17].
2002-11-29 04:18 am Gustave has been removed from clan Empire [59].
2002-11-18 01:57 pm Gustave has joined clan Empire [59].
2002-11-18 05:02 am Gustave has left clan Dragon [23].
2002-11-12 03:02 am Gustave has joined clan Dragon [23].
2002-11-12 03:00 am Gustave has been removed from clan Cabal [4].
2002-11-04 09:16 pm Gustave has joined clan Cabal [4].
2002-11-04 05:51 am Gustave has left clan The Higher Power [91].
2002-11-02 09:37 pm Gustave has joined clan The Higher Power [91].
2002-11-02 06:04 am Gustave has left clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2002-11-02 02:50 am Gustave has joined clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2002-10-31 01:42 am Gustave has been removed from clan Dragon [23].
2002-10-27 05:04 pm Gustave has joined clan Dragon [23].
2002-10-26 09:17 pm Gustave has left clan Dragon [23].
2002-10-26 08:40 pm Gustave has joined clan Dragon [23].
2002-10-13 06:27 pm Gustave has joined clan Dragon [23].
2002-10-13 06:32 am Gustave has left clan Avenger [17].
2002-06-11 07:30 pm Gustave has joined clan Avenger [17].
2002-06-11 06:06 am Gustave has left clan Dragon [23].
2002-05-05 10:44 pm Gustave has joined clan Dragon [23].
2002-05-05 05:36 pm Gustave has left clan Dragon [23].
2002-04-21 03:53 pm Gustave has joined clan Dragon [23].
2002-04-19 03:07 am Gustave has left clan The Hostile Crew [57].
2002-04-17 12:31 am Gustave has joined clan The Hostile Crew [57].
2002-03-12 03:36 am Gustave has left clan The Fallen [89].
2002-03-07 04:03 am Gustave has joined clan The Fallen [89].
2002-03-06 10:32 pm Gustave has left clan Eclipse [25].

Class activity

Time Class
2003-09-25 05:17 pm Gustave is now a Druid.
2002-11-06 03:47 am Gustave is now a Monk.
2002-10-28 08:45 am Gustave is now a Bard.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2013-04-13 01:56 am 2013-04-13 03:01 am 1 hour 5 min
2013-04-12 10:55 pm 2013-04-12 11:11 pm 16 min
2013-04-12 10:40 pm 2013-04-12 10:53 pm 13 min
2013-04-12 10:05 pm 2013-04-12 10:16 pm 11 min
2013-04-12 09:56 pm 2013-04-12 10:04 pm 8 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2005-05-03 05:03 pm Syrus (60:240) 1342 +5.2 Gustave (54:234) 1118 -5.2 PK
2005-01-17 08:20 am Kaine (79:241) 1164 +0 Gustave (54:234) 1118 +0 LPKA
2005-01-09 03:55 pm Syrus (60:240) 1376 +4.5 Gustave (54:234) 1123 -4.5 NPK
2005-01-09 08:59 am Wildsoul (131:241) 1673 +0 Gustave (54:234) 1123 +0 NPK
2005-01-07 11:07 pm Goatleaf (60:240) 1311 +6.2 Gustave (54:234) 1129 -6.2 NPK
2005-01-07 10:56 pm Goatleaf (60:240) 1305 +6.6 Gustave (54:234) 1136 -6.6 NPK
2005-01-06 05:30 pm Gustave (54:234) 1136 +0 Lightserpent (60:120) 934 +0 NPK
2005-01-06 05:18 am Milo (60:240) 1522 +2.4 Gustave (54:234) 1138 -2.4 NPK
2005-01-04 02:25 am Ragate (89:241) 1387 +0 Gustave (54:234) 1138 +0 NPK
2005-01-03 01:50 am Redwing (147:241) 1530 +0 Gustave (54:234) 1138 +0 PK