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Cwn Annwn

Player: Valfore

Valfore (55:115) (#68945)
First Seen: 2002-12-23 07:05 pm
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 1104 (peak: 1319)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-08-29 02:57 am Valfore has left clan Whisper [28].
2003-07-21 05:20 am Valfore has joined clan Whisper [28].
2003-07-18 07:33 pm Valfore has left clan Circle of Power [6].
2003-03-21 12:34 am Valfore has joined clan Circle of Power [6].
2003-03-20 04:42 am Valfore has left clan New Alyrian Order [30].
2003-02-23 12:50 am Valfore has joined clan New Alyrian Order [30].
2003-02-13 11:44 pm Valfore has left clan Eyes of the Dragon [56].
2002-12-29 12:45 am Valfore has joined clan Eyes of the Dragon [56].

Class activity

Time Class
2003-04-15 05:20 am Valfore is now a Barbarian.

Recent login activity [more information]

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Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-07-06 09:59 pm Nebula (50:170) 1138 +0 Valfore (55:115) 1104 +0 NPK
2003-07-04 08:05 pm Jobu (60:240) 1058 +0 Valfore (55:115) 1104 +0 LPKA
2003-07-04 01:17 am Valfore (55:115) 1104 +0 Riena (30:30) 1000 +0 LPK
2003-07-02 09:09 pm Lasha (98:241) 1137 +0 Valfore (55:115) 1104 +0 NPK
2003-06-18 02:56 am Cerwin (69:241) 1049 +0 Valfore (41:101) 1104 +0 LPK
2003-06-17 04:38 am Censored (60:180) 921 +0 Valfore (40:100) 1104 +0 LPK
2003-06-16 11:24 pm Joseph (60:120) 1305 +5.9 Valfore (40:100) 1110 -5.9 LPK
2003-06-07 11:05 pm Nicias (42:222) 1311 +0 Valfore (40:100) 1110 +0 NPK
2003-06-05 02:44 am Narke (51:51) 1103 +0 Valfore (39:99) 1110 +0 NPK
2003-06-05 02:44 am Valfore (39:99) 1110 +0 Cure (60:60) 1126 +0 NPK