Lady Undya [
The Towne of Xaventry]
This quest is called 'Consecration', for Adventurers levels
45 to
Description of Consecration:
PRIESTS are one of the holiest, if not holiest, types of adventurers.
They have the ability to call upon their POWERS to CONSECRATE their
FOOD and ARMOR. Visit some of the people on this continent that
have some knowledge of these spells. Seek out a faith instructor here in
Xaventry, Sorina in Lowangen and Jacquard in Rune. Jacquard will tell you
where you can acquire the scroll for the spell 'CONSECRATE FOOD.'
Finally, return here and visit the Gath temple. Inside you will be able to
find Graylth.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
45 quest points,
4 practice points,
0 experience points, and
4000 gold pieces.
You have
250 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Consecration consists of: