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Questmaster: Lady Undya [The Towne of Xaventry]
This quest is called 'Shadow Slayer', for Adventurers levels 60 to 120.
Description of Shadow Slayer:
Greetings, adventurer! In this small quest, I ask you to travel to the
castle of shadows to the north of Xaventry. In this place, you must defeat
several of the castle's inhabitants in order to claim your prize. I fear
that the denizens of the castle are growing too strong in number, and I feel
that if you eliminate a few of their number, the amount of danger the castle
possesses over the safety of Xaventry will diminish. Good Luck. - Lady
Undya, Mistress of Xaventry.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
to 42 quest points, 4 practice points, 37800 experience points, and 3400 gold pieces.
You have 120 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Shadow Slayer consists of:
Phase 1: Defeat A lost dark creeper.
These are a bit tricky. Make sure to carry a recall scroll, since these are in the second floor of Shadow Maze, down the eastern south...the one that doesn't go to the Lich. You might need Sense life or equivalent to find them, and after the kill, recall out. — Drahylin
Phase 2: Defeat A council member.
Second floor, all north in Shadow Castle. (use pass door) — Karynn
Phase 3: Defeat A neophyte assassin.
Shadow Castle. These should be one north and one east of the [SAFE]. — Drahylin
Those are training neophytes. Go to the ones north off of Hall of Shadows. — Aver
Phase 4: Defeat A Dark Stalker.
Shadow Maze in Shadow Castle. — Tymtek
Sense life required. — Chanal
Phase 5: Defeat A skeleton.
Shadowmaze — Aver