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Cwn Annwn

Room: Chamber of Combat

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This room is within Shadow Castle.

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 Chamber of Combat                                      -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

This long, rectangular room of about 25'long and 15'wide is an area
mostly used for combat and training.  The blackened walls have strange
stains on them, mostly encrusted into the rock, however, you can see some
new, fresh splatterings of red liquid on them.  Several prominent guilders
can be seen sparring with each other, overlooked by the master.  The master
stands at the head of the room watching over his pupils.  He turns and looks
at you, the golden insignia on his armor glittering in the light 
A training neophyte practices here with the other students.
A training neophyte practices here with the other students.
A training neophyte practices here with the other students.
A training neophyte practices here with the other students.
An assassin is here, training some neophytes and initiates.
A training neophyte practices here with the other students.