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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Shady, Peaceful Forest

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This room is within Ogre Village.

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Center map on A Shady, Peaceful Forest

 A Shady, Peaceful Forest                               -      N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S     SE

Dead pine needles cover the dirt floor of the forest, quints of brown
needles heaped about the bases of the tall, gnarled pines that are scattered
about the forest.  Rays of light shine through the thick, dusky tree
branches, illuminating dust and pollen floating lazily through the air.  To
the west, a small clearing of some sort is lighting up the surrounding
A large beautiful fish swims past lethargically with scales shimmering in the water.
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.