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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Potholed Trail

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This room is within Ogre Village.

Center map on A Potholed Trail

 A Potholed Trail                                       NW     -     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S     SE

Trailing the edge of the small lake is rather precarious due to the
numerous sand filled pot-holes.  Ages ago the shore was filled with large
boulders which have since been heaved directly up out of the ground.  Left
to the sands of time, the holes set as an enduring monument to Ogre
ingenuity.  Any rocks of true girth now reside in the middle of Lake
Whompfish forming a slippery bridge across its dangerous waters.  A row of
saplings to the east grow beneath their scarred parents, defining the line
of the Ogre's engineering rampage.