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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Forgotten Frog

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This room is within Arcane Archipelago.

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 The Forgotten Frog                                     -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

You are in the Forgotten Frog, a relatively unknown tavern in Kasrah. 
Several plastered patrons gather around an oak table gambling away their
life savings, although the tavern is otherwise deserted.  Hanging upon the
wall by the bar are the portraits of former barkeepers of the Forgotten Frog
each one bearing a striking resemblance to the current owner.  
An inebriated frog stumbles toward you drunkenly.
A frog bartender is here sweeping dust from the floor.
An inebriated frog stumbles toward you drunkenly.
An inebriated frog stumbles toward you drunkenly.
An inebriated frog stumbles toward you drunkenly.
An inebriated frog stumbles toward you drunkenly.
A frog bartender is here sweeping dust from the floor.