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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Chieftain's Hut

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This room is within Arcane Archipelago.

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Center map on The Chieftain's Hut

 The Chieftain's Hut                                    -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

You have entered a hut composed entirely of bamboo and animal skins
fastened into a triangular shape.  An otter skin hangs from the doorway as
if to keep wandering eyes out from anyone passing by.  A throne of bamboo
sits in the exact center of the room, raised up two feet off the ground as
though to show dominance and power.  The chieftain sits in his throne,
enjoying some of the local wildlife.  

A gorilla chieftain watches you carefully.