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Cwn Annwn

Room: On a Spiraling Staircase

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This room is within Unseelie Castle.

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 On a Spiraling Staircase                               NW     -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

You are walking on a large staircase, spiraling around a spire that
reaches high into the sky.  The walls around you are made from a dark grey
stone, and weathered from years of abuse.  There are small slits in the
sides of the wall, that allow some air in, but the spire still remains
musty.  The steps are steep, and close togeother, making your journey very
tedious.  You are standing high above the ground and can see over the castle
walls for miles.  To the south is a small wooden door.