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Cwn Annwn

Room: Kolvir's Grand Armory

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This room is within New Kolvir.

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Center map on Kolvir's Grand Armory

 Kolvir's Grand Armory                                  NW     -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

This is the famous armor shop in New Kolvir and you are amazed at the
collection of protective equipment that you can find here.  The shop is
probably as old as the city itself and little wonder.  It does reap in good
profits in New Kolvir especially when the citizens are war-thirsty warriors.
Steel breastplates and casted bronze armor hang properly behind the counter
and to the sides are more armor draped across wooden display posts, complete
with matching armbands and helmets.  This looks like a good place for you to
cover up those vulnerable parts of your body.  

An elderly and retired knight of New Kolvir is here, selling armor and accessories.