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Cwn Annwn

Room: Circular Room

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This room is within Temple Crypt.

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 Circular Room                                          -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      #      -

You are in a circular room made of plain stone, roughly worked.  The
walls appears to glow with bright auras which seemingly illuminate the
place.  Marble arches are in each of the four cardinal points of the room,
leading deeper into the crypt.  There is a pair of extremely heavy and
sturdy doors in the southern arch.  These doors appear to have withstood a
tremendous assault as they are heavily battered and deeply scarred.  Looking
at these doors, you begin to wonder who or what would have tried so hard to
escape what you have worked so hard to enter...  And why.

