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Cwn Annwn

Room: West Avenue Archivolts

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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Center map on West Avenue Archivolts

 West Avenue Archivolts                                 -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

A semicircular band of moldings round the lower curve of this arch.  The
wedge-shaped blocks, voussoirs, are decorated to give the archway a unified
design.  As you look up you notice that the words 'Pax Vobis' (peace be unto
you) has been etched into the arch.  To your north you notice that the
avenue intersects a small pathway leading east.  Apparently the cubical to
your east is not for the palace residents, but instead is being used as a
storage room.  
     The sliced off tail of a tiny sparrow is lying here.