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Room: Monumental Central Dome of the Imperial Residence

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

Center map on Monumental Central Dome of the Imperial Residence

 Monumental Central Dome of the Imperial Residence      -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Four arches spring into a center circle above you, supporting the dome
that is strongly fixed upon them.  Forty large windows at the base of the
dome create the peculiar illusion that the dome is resting on the light that
floods through them.  Vastness of space shot through with light provide
ample atmopshere for this centralized interior.  This mystic light glitters
in the mosaics, shines forth from the marbles, and pervades and defines
spaces that, in themselves, seem to escape defination.  Light becomes the
agent that seems to dissolve material substance and transform it into an
abstract, spiritual vision.  At the very center of the dome is a small
circled design, barely visble on account of the dramatic height distance. 
This dome and its surrounding construction testifies to the royal divinity
of the great leader Diocletian.