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Cwn Annwn

Room: Before the Docile Tetrarch Baalbek

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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Center map on Before the Docile Tetrarch Baalbek

 Before the Docile Tetrarch Baalbek                     -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Centered in this room is a huge limestone lintel throne, and wedged
between the echoing shapes of the chair is a fragile young man.  This man,
tetrarch Baalbek, has a full-lipped face, heavy-lidded eyes, and dreaming
expression, appears to be preoccupied with his own personal problems.  It is
common knowledge that he is easy to manipulate and has become dangerously
unqualified for his position.  An unusual head ornament projects from the
top of his throne, made of silver and mercury.  The head is slightly under
life size and appears to be hammered from a single sheet of silver.  Equally
luxurious are the marble steps that flow from the base of the throne.  The
nave arcade continues south, and the tetrarch chamber extends west.
Tetrarch Baalbek is here sitting on a huge limestone lintel throne.