Room: At the Front Desk
This room is within Eanoss Azelmar.
Center map on At the Front Desk
At the Front Desk - # - (-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E - S SE Carved from heavy oak, this desk is perfectly warped to wrap around the body of the young sidhe sitting behind it. The countertop sits four feet wide, leaving a sizeable distance between you and the diminuitive, bored-looking sidhe behind it. The dark, stained oak is topped by a swath of white marble, with black marble sworling around the edges of the white french curl. A shelf full of cubbyholes occupies the wall behind the female, full of keys. Obviously, if you need something here, this is the place to come to. An iron combination lock is pointlessly fastened to the wall. A tiny imp is stuck inside a glass bottle, placidly sitting down. The front desk curves around the northern quarter of the room.