Room: Channels and Formations
This room is within The Village of Lasler.
Center map on Channels and Formations
Channels and Formations - - - (-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> - - S - There are a number of channels you may listen to and talk over on Materia Magica. If you type "channels", you will be prompted to set each of them to off or on. Setting a channel to off means that you won't see anything being said on that channel. One channel not listed on the channel settings list is PRAY. You can use the pray channel to speak with Immortals and guides in the event of an emergency. Please avoid using the pray channel to ask for general information. Instead, try the help files You may find forming a group with other players to be helpful too. To join another player, type "form follow". It is polite to ask the person first if you can join them. If that player answers yes to a prompt they will receive when you type "form follow Doctor Mo is pacing about the room discussing communications.", then you will join their formation. Type HELP FORMATION to get more information on formations. Doctor Mo is pacing about the room discussing communications. Doctor Mo tells you, 'Hello, I am here to instruct you in communications. You may speak with others using the following methods; say, shout, yell, tell. Type help tell, and so forth to get more details about them. You are automatically enrolled in the Novice Adventurers guild upon entering Alyria. You can communicate with its members by using ct (clan talk). If you do not want to remain in the guild, type NOVICE to quit. You can choose to reenroll at any time before you attain level 45).'