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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Hungry Goat Inn

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This room is within The Village of Lasler.

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 The Hungry Goat Inn                                    -      -      - 
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Fashioned from ancient trees harvested nearby, the Hungry Goat Inn is
warm and inviting.  It seems to be just the type of place for a weary
adventurer to find a flagon of his favorite drink, or a warm meal after a
hard day.  Though the fare to be had is simple, it is filling and tasty, as
the innkeeper's wife takes great pride in what comes from her kitchen.  Type
SHOP LIST to see the items for sale and their cost.  
Bronwyn stands here polishing the bar.
'Greetings Scalar!' Bronwyn exclaims. 'Welcome to the Hungry Goat Inn!'
Bronwyn stands here polishing the bar.