Room: A Courtyard
This room is within Lowangen.
A Courtyard - - - (-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E - - - This courtyard is full of springs and trees. In one corner is a group of bushes. On the other side is a small spring that is bubbling. In the center of the courtyard is a giant tree. It looks like it is over 1000 years old and 100 feet tall. There are several squirrels that run around this big tree looking for nuts. As hungry and wanting as they seem, do not try and feed them. Rumor has it that they bite. A Lowangen city guard is keeping law and order on the streets. A squirrel is jumping from tree to tree finding food. A squirrel is jumping from tree to tree finding food. A squirrel is jumping from tree to tree finding food. A squirrel is jumping from tree to tree finding food. A squirrel is jumping from tree to tree finding food. 'Good day to thee Numi!' a burly city guard exclaims.