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Room: Junction of Keep Street and Peraine Boulevard

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This room is within Lowangen.

Center map on Junction of Keep Street and Peraine Boulevard

 Junction of Keep Street and Peraine Boulevard          -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

The large maple trees that decorate this pathway provide copious amounts
of shade to those who frequent this area of town, keeping them cool and
comfortable.  Large granite slabs have been carefully placed down along the
surface of the roadway, providing quick and easy travel along this
throughfare.  A tall obsidian street lamp rises up at this intersection,
marking the crossing for weary travelers.  A row of maple trees lines the
south side of the street, above which the walls of the fabled Lowangen Keep
can be seen.  
A Lowangen townsman wanders about.
'Good day to thee Zazou!' a Lowangen townsman exclaims.