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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Imperial Prison, West Entry

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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Center map on The Imperial Prison, West Entry

 The Imperial Prison, West Entry                        -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

Moisture accumulates on the cobblestone walls, and a red glow emanates
from the mounted torches.  This narrow hallway is a stark contrast in
comparison to the well illuminated and highly decorative residence above
you.  The morose and sullen environment is characteristic of prisons you
have seen before, however the cell doors are uniquely adorned with inlays of
garnets and other precious stones.  The stone prison walkway extends east.


CPK rooms