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Cwn Annwn

Room: Path Through a Large Tunnel

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This room is within Maldra Keep.

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 Path Through a Large Tunnel                            -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

A small group of Quaggoth have taken shelter here from the weather
outside, and are feasting on a few drow.  They sense your presence and keep
a watchful eye on you as you pass by.  The northern path leads to the other
side of the tunnel, the western path, to the plains outside.  
A fey noble has come to purchase land from the Baron.
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.