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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Trail Behind the Shed

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 A Trail Behind the Shed                                -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

This odd little trail stands behind the dusty old shed, the window panes
to the south are covered in layers of dirt that seem to span a generation. 
The path ahead is not well worn, but is very noticable, and has been used
recently.  Unfortunately it is not possible to tell what or who has passed
here recently.  The shed's northern wall is to the south, and a very faint
light can be seen to the north, through the hedges.  
A thorny, red-veined vine twines its way around your feet.
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.
  You can see the faint red outline of something moving around the area.
A faerie sahuagin begins attacking you!
A faerie sahuagin is in perfect health.