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Cwn Annwn

Room: Intersection of Berwynn Road and Spinoza Road

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This room is within New Rigel Realty.

Center map on Intersection of Berwynn Road and Spinoza Road

 Intersection of Berwynn Road and Spinoza Road          -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Here the main path of Berwynn Road ends at the flashy, upscale Spinoza
Road.  Residents hurry south and out towards town, while the occasional
drunk inhabitant wobbles east or west towards home.  If you glance towards
the very ends of Spinoza, you can see roads that lead northward into the
newer residential areas.  A home on the northern side of the street has an
ornate golden plaque in front of it that reads #11 Spinoza Road.  
     There is a weathered wooden hitching post here.